Hole Summary

Prometheus Minor (short basket)

Ace Board - Prometheus Minor (short basket)

Player Date Earnings
Derek Reiling 2022-08-03 $29
Robert Munoz 2023-06-07 $33
Alex Kelly 2023-11-03 $68

Bonus Ace Board - Prometheus Minor (short basket)

No aces (yet)

CTP Board - Prometheus Minor (short basket)

Player Date CTP Name Value
Luke Peterson 2023-10-28 Axiom Halloween 2021 Eclipse Insanity $25
Marcus Doyle 2024-07-05 Axiom Eclipse Insanity $20
Patrick Kelly 2024-10-26 Innova Proto Glow Winona Open Gorgon $20

Thank you to Par Save Productions, Google and UDisc for hole maps