League Central

Friday Shorts Fall 2024 Week 6
Attendance: 38

League Home
Player Averages

Noon Shotgun!

Shotgun Start: Noon

Join us at Noon for a shotgun start! There will be 4 CTPs for noon players. Please arrive at least 5 minutes early and we will card up and flight out.

As always, flex start all day.

Ace Pot Details



Bonus Ace: $4385
Ace: $112
Bonus Hole A Acorn 17 Long-to-Short
Bonus Hole B Acorn 2 Long-to-Long

Layout Details

View Caddybook

Layout Name Acorn (Long-to-Short) + 2 Long-to-Long
Course Name Acorn Park
# of Holes 19
Par 60
Length 4926
Course Record -13 🔥
Nate Kleitz
Series Record -13 🔥
Nate Kleitz

CTP Prizes

Noon Players Only
Hole NamePrizeSponsorValue
Acorn 5 Long-to-LongMystery BoxPK$15
Acorn 16 Long-to-LongFesti Daze TowelFesti Daze$15
Acorn 8 Long-to-LongPKs CashPK$10
Acorn 9 Long-to-LongMystery DiscPK$20
CTP Summary
* Optional CTP. Must buy in to qualify
If a 9/10 hole course - CTP is for both tees on that basket.
748Meg Bartlett 18

No aces this week