Hole Summary

Acorn 14 Long-to-Long

Ace Board - Acorn 14 Long-to-Long

Player Date Earnings
Nhia Xiong 2024-01-05 $54
Nick Root 2024-01-28 $73
Danny Cherlow 2024-02-25 $71
Romelo Florez 2024-05-01 $77
Cory Arbogast 2024-05-24 $38
Cory Maanum 2024-05-24 $38

Bonus Ace Board - Acorn 14 Long-to-Long

Player Date Earnings
Romelo Florez 2024-05-01 $124

CTP Board - Acorn 14 Long-to-Long

No aces (yet)

Thank you to Par Save Productions, Google and UDisc for hole maps