Hole Summary

Valley Purple 13

Ace Board - Valley Purple 13

Player Date Earnings
Nhia Xiong 2022-12-17 $142
Joe Hoppe 2023-06-24 $25
Blake Iverson 2023-08-26 $49
John Piekarski 2023-10-21 $8
Patrick Kelly 2023-10-21 $8
Adam Palm 2024-02-03 $32
Joe Hoppe 2024-03-02 $53
Nick Beisang 2024-12-07 $5

Bonus Ace Board - Valley Purple 13

Player Date Earnings
Joe Hoppe 2024-03-02 $292
Nick Beisang 2024-12-07 $482

CTP Board - Valley Purple 13

Player Date CTP Name Value
Corey Brennan 2022-10-26 $1 CTP #2 $12

Thank you to Par Save Productions, Google and UDisc for hole maps