League Central

PDGA Monday Summer Week 10
Attendance: 32
Ace $342

League Home
Player Averages

Shotgun Start

Cards (Week 10)

Layout Details

View Caddybook

Layout Name Green 18 (retired)
Course Name Kaposia
# of Holes 18
Par 54
Length 4390
Course Record -14 🔥
Joe Hoppe
Series Record -14 🔥
Joe Hoppe

CTP Prizes

Hole NamePrizeSponsorValue
Mando Flyaway$2 CTP #1KP Leagues$40*
Nine Holes In$2 CTP #2KP Leagues$40*
Scanny Skip$2 CTP #3KP Leagues$40*
Base O Me Mucho$20 to Kaposia Pro ShopKaposia Pro Shop$20
Crash & BurnMystery PrizeKP Leagues$20
CTP Summary
* Optional CTP. Must buy in to qualify
If a 9/10 hole course - CTP is for both tees on that basket.

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